A dear friend and Missionary from
the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) sent me a note about yet another save-a-mormon
web site.
That particular Mormon Hope site was an
exceptionally well written attack on the latter-day saints concept of
testimony. But despite being superbly readable he makes one fatal flaw
after another by creating what we call straw-man arguments or “paper tiger” foes
which he easily dispatches. This is a common debate tactic. Sound eminently
reasonable up front. Get the attention and approval of your audience with
reasoned, even keel speech and then slowly begin building your tigers and straw
men ....
For example he leads out with this classic. "You can’t trust your feelings". (Can’t tell you how often I hear Protestant radio preachers speak just like we do that the Lord speaks to your mind AND your heart(feelings). These events become testimony experiences but then he asserted that Mormons only talk about feeling’. "How does the HG feel?" Well, he is justified in some regard as I too have heard some LDS sermons even in high places speak almost exclusively to feelings. I hear missionaries teach investigators - this is how the Holy Ghost “feels”. So the author of this hit piece is somewhat justified but unless he is ignorant - and might truly be just that - he would know that others in high and lowly pulpits treat the experience with deity more even handed - as the DC speaks - "I will tell you in your mind and your heart"...DC8:2 So His premise is just wrong, but reinforced by too much emphasis by some and our missionaries on the feeling part. I accept his critique but not his conclusion. Nor do I accept that the Vulcan way is realistic. God made us capable as a multidimensional being and feelings are part of the package. That’s what’s real.
For example he leads out with this classic. "You can’t trust your feelings". (Can’t tell you how often I hear Protestant radio preachers speak just like we do that the Lord speaks to your mind AND your heart(feelings). These events become testimony experiences but then he asserted that Mormons only talk about feeling’. "How does the HG feel?" Well, he is justified in some regard as I too have heard some LDS sermons even in high places speak almost exclusively to feelings. I hear missionaries teach investigators - this is how the Holy Ghost “feels”. So the author of this hit piece is somewhat justified but unless he is ignorant - and might truly be just that - he would know that others in high and lowly pulpits treat the experience with deity more even handed - as the DC speaks - "I will tell you in your mind and your heart"...DC8:2 So His premise is just wrong, but reinforced by too much emphasis by some and our missionaries on the feeling part. I accept his critique but not his conclusion. Nor do I accept that the Vulcan way is realistic. God made us capable as a multidimensional being and feelings are part of the package. That’s what’s real.
Then that author went straight
away to the next old saw - 'you have to really put your trust in the
Bible' not your feelings but then skates away like anyone's conclusion
taken from 'the Word' were as solid and immovable as Gibraltar. That's
where he really loses me as I know he knows that there are a 1000 Christian
religions that all claim the Bible says this or that and yet the Bible says
NOTHING whatsoever. Its a book and it doesn't talk (unless you have a
kindle.ha) So we have to read and interpret and study and debate and if you are
an LDS - encouraged to seek the further inspiration and epiphany that the Holy
Ghost can provide to your mind and heart - hmmmm and there we go right back to
that gut thing......but reality that's just an expression and the Holy Ghost
comes to a Man and it is an experience. Its hard to explain how pure
enlightenment, sudden understanding, Joy, clarity, peace and settled resolve
all wrap up together to speak deeply to one’s soul - It takes all that and more
sometimes to change one’s life and trajectory - it comes with power that when
yielded to enables one to make that course correction that the person now can
So, Is that Holy ‘body
and mind’ experience what this author wants us to jettison for his clever
sophistry? I believe Jesus is Lord, My God, My Savior and that
praying the Father in Jesus’ Name (Yes I believe Jesus has a Father - He said
so despite what this trinitarian dogmaton is asserting) will bring power and enlightenment
to me and those I pray for. I’ve seen it, heard it, felt it, experienced it. You
want to take that from me and claim it was from the dark side? Really???
My life was altered
dramatically to care about others. Miracles have been done and I’ve seen it– I
have been His hand in accomplishing it! Did not Jesus argue that the devil
cannot fight against himself by doing good and teaching Jesus! Luke 11:17-18. Think about what
he said about this! As far as I can see many honest Christian preachers are
doing a decent job and reaching folks my voice could never reach. People are
just plain complex and shifting paradigms is hard to do – so big shifts are fairly rare
and that's just life. God will look kindly on those honest brokers of the limited
light and understanding they had. That’s my merciful God.
Personally with the
help of His Holy Spirit, my family is stable and love the Lord. I have full
hope in the power of Jesus to continue to refine me and make me compatible with
the kingdoms he has prepared for the faithful. Man - What else do these fear
mongering 'get out of hell' salesmen want from me? Cynically, maybe my 10% but
that's not it, I know..they are just bloated with an over developed sense
of hubris that their particular Hell fire and damnation version of the Almighty
is the real ma-coy and if you don't pass their litmus test you are going to
burn- so I can see why he'd be freaked out about another viewpoint. Im sorry
for that hopeless view - like the fiddler on the roof - indeed a most
precarious place to stand and try and preach "the joy" of the Lord.
Going down his litmus
test – next was the concern that our visualization of God meant I guess that
the God he prays to would not be home when our prayer wafted His way. See where
that goes?…If you don’t see my incomprehensible God my way – hit the Highway! Just to let you know, the Bible can indeed
support a wide range of visuals for God, I recommend these several essays that I wrote many
years back (Excepting one by Millet) that now I draw your attention to:
24. A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Restoration by Robert Millet BYU
25. Is God by any other name still God?
31. So Just Who Exactly Do We Pray To?
All my best to you
seekers of truth and maybe a shaft of light to the feet of those who haven’t quite
found the path yet…
Forgive the typos and
flaws of my human condition!
Your Brother in Christ
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