Monday, February 18, 2019

Of Triumphal Faith Amidst Trials of Oppression and Persecution

     Every Once in a while one of our lay speakers at church lays out topic with such clarity that it just begs to be captured and shared. Today was such a day. Really, the whole meeting was superb but I'd like to share with her permission a story of emerging  and then triumphal faith amidst trials of oppression and persecution - right here at home.

Its about 10 minutes in length so Ill provide just a teaser below and link to the full talk in PDF.

All my best and much thanks to the young mother, Amanda Orleman who shared a glimpse into her life this day,

...Whenever I think of being in the world but not of the world, I inevitably think of High
I went to a fairly large High School, there were about 400 kids in my graduating
There was a total of about 10 members in my school
and about 3
members in my
Of those 3 members in my grade, I was the only one who was actively involved
the Church
My freshman and
years I
did not follow all of the church
guidelines, I wasn’t doing terrible things
but my priorities were skewe
Whenever I think of being in the world but not of the world, I inevitably think of High School.I went to a fairly large High School, there were about 400 kids in my graduating class.There was a total of about 10 members in my school and about 3 members in my grade. Of those 3 members in my grade, I was the only one who was actively involved in the Church. My freshman and sophomore years I did not follow all of the church guidelines, I wasn’t doing terrible things, but my priorities were skewed...

 link to the PDF.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Back at the Post - Where I write and were I am coming from

Back at the Post - Where I write and were I am coming from

Its been a number of years since I was active in this bog space having preferring my own website and 

However, I thought better of that recently that a place to more freely dialog on the many challenging and sometimes controversial topics would be more appropriate. I will still maintain the website collection of essays and will use this blog entry to point to that growing collection leaving this space to discuss the topics so raised. 

 Common Christian philosophy has been subject to significant and in some case well deserved critique. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is somewhat singular in its interpretations and does not fall to much of that critique. Furthermore, it does provide some rather striking explanations for some of the harshest critiques that being a believer in the God(s) of the Bible might invite. You might say that Mormon Christian faith is in many regards an answer to those critiques. Our understandings correct for much of that error while embracing much of the truth that survived. In fine, I would argue the Restored Gospel of Jesus is the best of both worlds. My preference to to make our case rather than devote months of time to a point to point rebuttal of critical apologists. I've don't that gig before and simply don't have the time these days nor see the RTI. 

You see from my perspective I've seen the parting of the red sea and so I'm not at risk if I cant explain everything. But with over 200 pages of essays in my collection on just about every useful topic Im hardly shying from the fray - just picking and choosing  where I spend my efforts.

Also, the naysayer has nothing of value to offer in its place making the journey to his mist filled side-road useful. All the contrarian has to offer is to claim I'm a worthless collection of dust soon enough to die, rot and stink and be forgotten. Why would I be incentivized to try and prove that???

Now, if you have a particular topic to broach then I'd be game to engage. 

All my best, Steve Marquis

you may contact me @ Subject Blogspot