I have written a number of short essays on Mormon theology. These philosophies and understandings are inspired by the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You will be hard pressed to find this much key information in such a short space. Each Essay is kept to a few pages per topic. The collection of writings in the link below were originally intended for a Latter Day Saint audience. And to be forewarned I do write with a somewhat pithy style and try to forgive some typos especially in the earlier essays. When I have time with the help of more modern editors Ill fix them. I hope that works for you.
Here is the link:
Enjoy the search and
God Bless You
Why does it make sence
Try these 3 steps:
Read one of the essays at the link,
Get a Book of Mormon - another witness for Christ:
Talk with God over what you have read.
The real name of the oft-called Mormon Church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." It would seem self evident then that the "saints" are followers and/or believers in Jesus Christ.
In the usual sense of the word, all variants (about 1000) who believe that Jesus is the Christ are denoted as Christian, Just as Sunnis and Shiites are all called followers of Islam yet on some doctrinal details they differ.
Those who oppose LDS doctrines or their success in the marketplace of theology sometimes try to de-Christianize the saints much like war-lords dehumanize their enemies with degrading labels so they can free their consciences from their actions.
I suppose one could redefine a word with such a theological litmus test that only those who shared your favored opinions would pass the new definition. This is what Jesus himself said:
"He who is not against us is for us!" That is why the Church of Jesus Christ (aka Mormons, LDS) takes such a charitable position towards their Christ believing friends - and the heathens too for that matter...
When I was a young Missionary in Norway, I knocked on a door of a man who asked incredulously why we bothered to preach in a "Christian" land like Norway when millions of souls from Africa were going to hell for the lack of hearing the Gospel. This uncharitable view of God is had by some, but definitely not us. In fact the LDS understanding of God's love, which reaches even beyond the grave to save his children, places us in a uniquely charitable position to our Christian neighbors.
I was a christian for 25 years, it seemed like the place to be when I was there.
A fomer Elder of a church I belonged to, said if you do not believe me ask GOD.
I did years later we all have a story , what is yours ?
Its been a number of years since I was active in this bog space having preferring my own website http://peoplespassions.org/peoplesfaith/peoplesfaith.html and facebook https://www.facebook.com/steven.r.marquis
However, I thought better of that recently that a place to more freely dialog on the many challenging and sometimes controversial topics would be more appropriate. I will still maintain the website collection of essays and will use this blog entry to point to that growing collection leaving this space to discuss the topics so raised.
Finally then, I'm making a small answer to this gentleman's prodigious work of Christian critique. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is somewhat singular in its interpretations and does not fall to much of his critiques. Furthermore, it does provide some rather striking explanations for some of the harshest critiques that being a believer in the God(s) of the Bible might invite. You might say that Mormon Christian faith is in many regards an answer to those critiques. Truth correcting so much error but embracing much of the truth that survived. In fine, I would argue the best of both worlds. My preference to to make our case rather than devote months of time to a point to point rebuttal. I've don't that gig before and simply don't have the time these days nor see the RTI.
You see from my perspective I've seen the parting of the red sea and so I'm not at risk if I cant explain everything. Also, the naysayer has nothing of value to offer in its place making the journey useful. All the contrarian has to offer is to claim I'm a worthless collection of dust soon enough to rot and stink and be forgotten. Why would I be incentivized to try and prove that???
Now, if you have a particular topic to broach then I'd be game to engage.
All my best, Steve Marquis
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