Sunday, January 30, 2005

Make some sense out of life - and my "alter-ego"

I just found another Steve Marquis who apparently has published a bit on life philosophy. He has obviously spent a great deal of time trying to make some sense out of life, but in the end he found nothing but a depressing Stoic view of how we fit in with nature somehow, so just make the best of it. How sad that my other name-sake cannot know the truths about out eternal connection with God and be able to truly appreciate the purpose of his life. LDS philosophy could really help such a lost wandering soul.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

It Just Makes sense because it's true

I have written a number of short essays on Mormon theology. These philosophies and understandings are inspired by the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You will be hard pressed to find this much key information in such a short space. Each Essay is kept to a few pages per topic. The collection of writings in the link below were originally intended for a Latter Day Saint audience. And to be forewarned I do write with a somewhat pithy style and try to forgive some typos especially in the earlier essays. When I have time with the help of more modern editors Ill fix them. I hope that works for you.
Here is the link:
Enjoy the search and
God Bless You